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Blog Post Guide

for code societies writers, this is a work in progress!

Hi! This page is a small guide for writing blog posts. The organizers will be very available throughout the session should you have any questions on how to format your post!

The first thing you will want to do is duplicate the file post-template-base.html and rename it to the name of your blog post. The naming convention for the blog posts are as follows:


So if you are in the Code Societies 2020 cohort and you are writing a blog post for Everest Pipkin's class Building Nets for Floating Data then you would name your html file:


Now you can copy and paste your writing into your new file.

Once you have copied and pasted all of your text you will need to add the proper HTML tags. Probably the easiest thing to do first is to make sure all of your paragraphs are enclosed by p tags.

For example if you have a few paragraphs like the ones below, notice that each one has an opening p tag (<p>) and a closing p tag (</p>) .

                Etiam eget mauris non erat dapibus elementum. Nulla facilisi. Nam luctus dui mi. Sed consectetur, dolor eu venenatis blandit, tellus lectus facilisis dolor, vitae scelerisque risus enim gravida tortor. Nunc ullamcorper quis quam id vestibulum. Phasellus sed dolor vel sem suscipit sagittis. Phasellus posuere lorem eget augue auctor, eget scelerisque purus accumsan. Nullam vitae posuere odio, a hendrerit elit.

                Morbi venenatis sit amet lorem quis vehicula. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum consequat ex massa, a placerat augue efficitur a. Aliquam non libero pulvinar, mattis nunc ac, porta lorem. Suspendisse vestibulum diam varius, feugiat neque convallis, tempus urna. Proin eget urna vel dolor fermentum volutpat sit amet et ligula. Sed quis magna ultricies, dignissim lectus at, imperdiet lacus.

Below is a reference of what your writing might look like once you have wrapped all of it inside of some HTML tags.

    <h3>Name of Post</h3>
    <h4>Subtitle of Post</h4>

    <img src="images/2019-wyfy-2.jpg" alt="description of this image" />

      <a href="url for syllabus here">SYLLABUS LINK</a>

      Following this discussion, Ingrid began to deconstruct the meaning of networked terraforming. Her decision to use ‘terraforming’ instead of ‘geoengineering’ came out of wanting to dispel the false sense of intentionality and expertise that came with engineering. Whereas ‘geoengineering’ seems to imply the act of trying to restore the land to a so called natural state.

      Including the word ‘networked’ helped embed the significance of these terraforming acts that also happen on massive scales through technologies like global supply chains but are experienced viscerally like through a computer in your hands.

      Bold Title

      Following this discussion, Ingrid began to deconstruct the meaning of networked terraforming. Her decision to use ‘terraforming’ instead of ‘geoengineering’ came out of wanting to dispel the false sense of intentionality and expertise that came with engineering. Whereas ‘geoengineering’ seems to imply the act of trying to restore the land to a so called natural state, ‘terraforming’ is simply the act of earth making - something everyone participates in all the time. Including the word ‘networked’ helped embed the significance of these terraforming acts that also happen on massive scales through technologies like global supply chains but are experienced viscerally like through a computer in your hands.

      <a class="turn-image-into-link" href="https://sfpc.io">
        <img src="images/2019-wyfy-3.jpg" alt="description of this image">

      <li>making a list</li>
      <li>looks like this</li>
      <li>each li tag is a single item in list</li>

      Following this discussion, Ingrid began to deconstruct the meaning of networked terraforming. Her decision to use ‘terraforming’ instead of ‘geoengineering’ came out of wanting to dispel the false sense of intentionality and expertise that came with engineering. Whereas ‘geoengineering’ seems to imply the act of trying to restore the land to a so called natural state, ‘terraforming’ is simply the act of earth making - something everyone participates in all the time. Including the word ‘networked’ helped embed the significance of these terraforming acts that also happen on massive scales through technologies like global supply chains but are experienced viscerally like through a computer in your hands.

      This text will appear really big! - author

      Following this discussion, Ingrid began to deconstruct the meaning of networked terraforming. Her decision to use ‘terraforming’ instead of ‘geoengineering’ came out of wanting to dispel the false sense of intentionality and expertise that came with engineering. Whereas ‘geoengineering’ seems to imply the act of trying to restore the land to a so called natural state, ‘terraforming’ is simply the act of earth making - something everyone participates in all the time. Including the word ‘networked’ helped embed the significance of these terraforming acts that also happen on massive scales through technologies like global supply chains but are experienced viscerally like through a computer in your hands.

    <small>Written by Your Name</small>

Here is an example of what the above HTML looks like when its published.