
Creative Coding Bootcamp

A three week program to introduce the foundations of coding to beginners by creating visual art and animations in openFrameworks. This 5 course session will be open to anyone who wants to learn to code.

Spring 2020 session, Tuesday April 21st – Tuesday May 5th

Instructor: Robby Kraft
Teaching Assistant: Ilona Brand
Location: Zoom
Class Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1pm - 3pm ET
Office Hours: Approximately 3 hours of Teacher & TA support during the week based on student availability.

During this course students will be coding in C++, learning concepts like variables, memory, and scope; branching, looping, boolean evaluations, and logic; functions, recursion, and events; object-oriented design; and working with media like video, sound, and responding to keyboard and mouse inputs. Students will become competent in Xcode/Visual Studio, GitHub, and openFrameworks.

Before Class

Before the first day of class, please try installing both an IDE and openFrameworks. An IDE stands for “integrated development environment” and is what allows you to run programming code on your computer. openFrameworks is a coding library that you’ll be using extensively at SFPC. Here are specific instructions for Mac and Windows:




Also, download openFrameworks for your given platform:


Day 1

video content

Day 2

video content

Day 3

video content

Day 4

Day 5