
Bootcamp 04

Particle class

let’s wrap up, add gravity, make an array of particles generate on a mouse click, the effect can be anything from welding sparks to fireworks.

new sketch 4.01: “draw”

introduce popular open frameworks primitives like ofPoint, ofPolyline…

design a drawing program:

if you allow cheating (turn off auto background clear):

  1. draw a circle every frame at mouseX and mouseY
  2. store the last mouseX/Y positions in the .h, connect it to the present location.

now, what if we need ofBackground to be on? we need to store all of the points. shift to using a vector<float> x and y. introduce ofPoint to simplify further. cap the size of the array at 100.


recode our draw app with an ofPolyline. show off some tricks that polyline can do, like smoothing.

new sketch 4.03: “type”