My name is Simone Browne and I am a teacher, writer, and very interested in this conversation we are going to have.
Hi my name is Tsige Tafesse and I’m an artist and organizer based in Brooklyn, NY and I stumbled my way into SFPC and the world of technologists and this intersection of Black Studies and people love—I’m just a learner and just very excited to be in conversation with y’all and continue harassing this school and area of study.
I think home is with the people that I love, or learned to love, or grow to love or have grown to love me. For me it’s not really an attachment to a structure—like a house—I’ve never had that—or like a land or a nation or a state. Maybe it’s about a kind of relationality where we are there for each other and yeah.
I love that, I love—love as like a practice space outside of institutions or nation state. That makes me very happy. I feel like that is similarly love feels like—it feels like—I guess like a liberatory safety outside of structures like care—like either care with myself or networks of care—people I care about. Home is like this weird [makes sound of home/goo] in between gooey space—shouts out.